Is Your Low Fat Diet Killing You?

I know many of you are probably asking what a business blog is doing talking about low fat diets. So, let me tell you!

As business leaders, we tend to become so focused on our business, the marketplace, and our employees that we forget about the simple things that count the most. One of the things we most often forget about is our health.

It is very easy to get so caught up at work that we forget to take care of ourselves and then we are hit by a totally preventable health event. The problem with many preventable health events is that they are often irreversible!

A few years ago I spent an afternoon in the hospital hooked up to machines because of a reaction to something. The doctors didn’t know what I reacted to and, thankfully, it has never reoccurred but the event was still somewhat of a wake up call!

I now pay a little closer attention to what I eat. I also do a lot of reading and regularly listen to podcasts from a few of North America’s leading medical doctors who specialize in nutrition, neurology and physiology. From them, I am learning a lot that is now challenging my “healthy low fat diet” mindset!

There have been some amazing advances in the last few years in the world of medicine. From mapping the human genome to the emergence of epigenetics to some breakthrough studies in nutrition and the physiology of the human body.


Mover of Men and Mountains

This weeks book review is Mover of Men and Mountains by R.G. LeTourneau.

Although this is quite an old book, it is extremely interesting and motivating. LeTourneau does a great job documenting the ups and downs of his amazing journey through life. LeTourneau was the inventor of most of the massive, mechanized things with blades, wheels, or tracks that we see in use today. From bulldozers to cranes and earth movers to forestry equipment, he was an innovative, inventing machine!

The New Gold Standard

5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company

The book review for this week is The New Gold Standard by Joseph A. Michelli

Michelli provides a very detailed history and study of the Ritz Carlton business. The book documents the culture,  business practices and the five leadership principles of the Ritz Carlton;

How Peer to Peer Recognition Can Dramatically Improve Your Business

Peer to peer recognition is one of the most powerful workplace motivators there is. When your workplace culture encourages employees to recognize their peers for; work well done, stellar customer interactions, mentoring, going above and beyond, etc., you are positioning your organization for success.

I have seen peer to peer recognition systems implemented in many different organizations in many different ways. It can be as simple as an email, a pat on the back, a handshake or an anonymously submitted form. It can be as formal as a monthly meeting with all employees where people are recognized for their exemplary service.