How to Make Your Business Stand Out

I recently attended a keynote from Claire Diaz-Ortiz. Diaz-Ortiz is an author, speaker, founder of the non-profit “Hope Runs”, ex-executive at Twitter, voted one of Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative People in Business” and is known as “The Woman Who Got the Pope on Twitter!”

Besides being articulate, intelligent, and successful in the business world, she has a very compelling personal story that she is able to effectively weave in with the business side of her life.

So, when she defines a system to make you and your business stand out, we should listen!

Her keynote outlined the framework for this system that she uses to help her and her organizations standout in the marketplace.

She calls the system “SHARE.”


Diaz-Ortiz’s framework for how stand out is built around the acronym SHARE. I have briefly summarized the components below.

  • Story – The story your business is presenting must be clear and precise on all platforms. Every social media channel, your website, your traditional marketing channels, and your staff must be telling a consistent and repeatable story. You can use things like; pictures, the engagement ladder, or other tools to get people hooked but your message must be clear, precise and consistent.
  • How – Use as many platforms as possible to get your message out. Leverage social media wherever possible. Create a strategy and build a team that is responsible to deliver the strategy. The strategy must be flexible and adaptable because the marketplace changes continuously!
  • Audience – Engage your audience by asking questions on social media. Involve people by starting conversations. Leverage hashtags and start movements remembering that you and your business are not the “hero” in your audience’s story. The audience is the “hero” and your business is the “guide” (StoryBrand model).
  • Reach – Get out there and engage and extend your audience. Remember that going viral is not your goal. Engaging your audience by providing value is the goal.
  • Excellence – Do everything with excellence. Anyone can be average or mediocre! Stand out by being better. Own your mistakes when they happen and don’t pretend they never happened. Social media is a powerful way to own your mistakes!

Take Action

Review your business this week and determine where you need to bolster your SHARE strategy. How compelling and precise is your story? Is it consistent across on all platforms? Do you have a defined strategy for marketing your story and are you engaging your audience effectively? What areas in your business are not yet operating at the excellent level?

Take action today and build a solid SHARE framework for your business!

Finally, take a look at these related posts for more information:



Be absolutely clear about who you are and what you stand for. Refuse to compromise.” Brian Tracy


How does your business stand out in the marketplace? Leave your comments below!


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