The One Thing That Never Changes Is That Everything Always Changes!

It has been said many times that the only “constant” in life is change.

And, change is underway for me and Thinking Business!

I have recently accepted a senior role with a growth minded, multinational business. Because of this, I expect to be extremely busy over the next little while.

Although I plan to continue to share tools, ideas, concepts, and posts, the sharing will be less frequent. It would be great if you would continue to leverage the articles, tools, and materials on the Thinking Business site and stay tuned for new content when it is published!

Have a great week and remember to stay focused on the number one thing that will grow your business!


Identify and focus on the number one thing that will grow your business!

Be sure to download a free copy of my new Ebook: 12 Steps to Business Transformation and to sign up at for weekly blog updates delivered to your inbox.

Will it Fly

How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don't Waste Your Time and Money

This week’s book review is Will it Fly by Pat Flynn

Flynn takes his readers through the process of business ideation, validation, incubation, and eventual start-up and rollout. His writing style and methodology are simple yet powerful and he provides many anecdotes and useful examples to drive home the concepts that he is teaching.

My takeaway from this book is that I need to spend more time developing targeted user groups and working closely with them prior to creating and rolling out products or services. Remember the words of Joel Barker – “Speed is only useful if you’re running in the right direction!”

Spend time up front to determine the correct direction before you invest your organization’s money and resources!

The Idea Book

My book review this week is The Idea Book by Fredrik Haren.

Haren has written this book in a format designed to generate ideas. There 60 creativity inspiring sections followed by an activity designed to tap into your creativity. The book has an additional 150 blank pages dispersed strategically throughout the book to be used to record your creative ideas. I have used this book for personal inspiration. I have also used some of the exercises in a team format to get brainstorming sessions kicked off and to get teams thinking outside of their proverbial boxes.

My takeaway from this book is that every person and every team needs some creative thinking exercises from time to time to restart and renew their creative thinking mechanisms. Taking the thinking exercises from this book are a great way to do this!


Note that I have previously reviewed the following books in 2018:

  1. Tim O’Reilly’s Whats the Future and Why Its Up to Us
  2. Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art
  3. Timothy Ferriss’ Tribe of Mentors
  4. Richard P. Feynman’s Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman!
  5. Bernadette Jiwa’s Hunch
  6. Scott Galloway’s The Four
  7. William Mougayar’s The Business Blockchain


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Turn Your Everyday Insights Into The Next Big Thing

The book review for this week is Hunch by Bernadette Jiwa.

Jiwa explains her thoughts and research behind; ideas, intuition, deep thought, rationality, questions, genius, and many other concepts commonly associated with breakthrough ideas.

In today’s distracted and plugged-in world where we can Google answers for anything, we are at risk of losing our ability for innovative thought. Jiwa does a great job of outlining techniques for reengaging our creativity and intuition and generating the next big thing by leveraging our everyday insights.

My takeaway from this book is Jiwa’s definition of a hunch.

Random Thought Missiles!

How many times have you been distracted from your work on important activities and tasks by random ideas and thoughts?

These can be super-valuable ideas that you don’t want to lose but you also don’t want to be distracted from the task at hand! Robert Rodriguez (in Tribe of Mentors) calls these disruptive, yet potentially valuable ideas, Random Thought Missiles!

A Random Thought Missile can complete vaporize your focus on important tasks at hand. It can be disheartening when you block time in your calendar, shut off your phone, block out all electronic distractions, only to be interrupted and taken off track by these random thoughts.

Even as I sit down to write this post, my “deep work” thought process is constantly under attack by ideas for future posts, potential customer contacts, project delivery enhancements, and 100 other ideas. I cannot possibly investigate all these things and write the blog post at the same time!

So, what is the solution? How can you productively intercept and capture a Random Thought Missile without vaporizing your “deep work” focus  and without losing the value that the random thought may contain?