Profit Wise: How to Make More Money in Business by Doing the Right Thing

Every now and then you run across a business leader who has worked successfully across multiple business segments. Very occasionally, you find a business leader who has successfully built businesses from the ground up across multiple business segments.

If you are lucky enough to find a business leader like this, you need to learn as much as possible from them as fast as you can!

And this is where, Jeff Morrill comes in!

Elevate: Push Beyond Your Limits and Unlock Success in Yourself and Others

The book review for this week is Elevate by Robert Glazer

Robert Glazer is a serial entrepreneur who has founded a number of businesses including Acceleration Partners and Brand Cycle. One of his secrets to success is his passion for helping individuals and organizations build their capacity to continuously improve and outperform.

What Does Collagen Have to Do with Your Business?

I know many of you are probably asking what a business blog is doing talking about collagen. So, let me tell you!


As business leaders, we tend to focus so intently on our business, especially when we are facing the challenges brought about by COVID, that we forget about one of the most important things . . . our health!

And that is where collagen comes in.

Most of us are familiar with protein. Collagen, one form of protein, makes up about one-third of your body’s total protein. It is important for our muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, and other connective tissue.

Benefits of Collagen

The One Thing That Never Changes Is That Everything Always Changes!

It has been said many times that the only “constant” in life is change.

And, change is underway for me and Thinking Business!

I have recently accepted a senior role with a growth minded, multinational business. Because of this, I expect to be extremely busy over the next little while.

Although I plan to continue to share tools, ideas, concepts, and posts, the sharing will be less frequent. It would be great if you would continue to leverage the articles, tools, and materials on the Thinking Business site and stay tuned for new content when it is published!

Have a great week and remember to stay focused on the number one thing that will grow your business!


Identify and focus on the number one thing that will grow your business!

Be sure to download a free copy of my new Ebook: 12 Steps to Business Transformation and to sign up at for weekly blog updates delivered to your inbox.

Growth IQ

Get Smarter About the Choices that Will Make or Break Your Business

The book review for this week is Growth IQ by Tiffani Bova.

Bova has written a powerful book that describes the optimal paths to business growth in today’s marketplace. She backs up her theories with excellent case studies using relevant businesses and their current levels of success and/or failure.

My takeaways from this book are the ten paths to business growth shown in the list and diagram below and the knowledge that most of these paths are not stand alone. Most business growth comes from applying a number of these paths in a strategically informed sequence. In fact, context, combination, and sequence can be the key to success!