Louder Than Words

Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice

This week’s book review is Louder Than Words by Todd Henry

Todd Henry steps the reader through the process of, and importance of, discovering what makes each of us unique.  He calls this uniqueness the “authentic voice.” Each of us needs to devote ourselves to impacting the world with the uniqueness that only we possess.

My takeaway from this book is that we need to find a “Sherpa” mentor. A Sherpa mentor is one that doesn’t just provide passive advice but is fully vested in the path to your success. If you succeed, they succeed and, if you fail, they fail . . . just like a Sherpa and a climber.

Also, Henry provided an effective template for getting feedback on your performance and to help you define your uniqueness. I have summarized this process below:

Living Forward

A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want

This week’s book review is Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy.


Hyatt and Harkavy detail out the process of building a life plan – a balanced plan for your life that provides long term focus complete with the detailed goals required to get there. The book is well written with tons of examples and great online tools.

The New Gold Standard

5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company

The book review for this week is The New Gold Standard by Joseph A. Michelli

Michelli provides a very detailed history and study of the Ritz Carlton business. The book documents the culture,  business practices and the five leadership principles of the Ritz Carlton;