Be Amazing or Go Home

Seven Customer Service Habits That Create Confidence with Everyone

This week’s book review isĀ Be Amazing or Go Home by Shep Hyken.

Hyken does a stellar job of describing the epitome of customer focus! This book focuses on what “Amazing” looks like to a customer and the personal and corporate habits that each of us need to cultivate to attain the “Amazing” status.

My takeaway from this book is twofold. First, the seven habits of Amazing listed below:

How to Boost Customer Experience and Improve Your Business

A recent study completed by Business Insider indicated that 66% of consumers are willing to spend more money at a company that gives them an excellent customer experience. Conversely, 60% of consumers have canceled a purchase due to a poor customer experience!

Also, consider that consumers are five times more likely to engage with a sales representative who provides helpful insights and that it takes 12 positive customer experiences to negate the damage from one negative experience!

Based on this compelling evidence, it is hard to understand why businesses don’t spend more money training employees and building systems, processes and tools to ensure a great customer experience!

Good and Bad Customer Experiences

How to Become an Effective and Focused Business Leader

Every business leader must have a rock solid organizational system in place so that they can lead a differentiated business. Failure to differentiate yourself results in a race for the bottom!

In a last week’s post I wrote about how a differentiated leader must have instant access to all of their past and current business notes, data, ideas, and plans. I mentioned that all of this information must be organized and indexed electronically in a manner that allows easy access from anywhere, at anytime, using any platform. Finally, I stated that this is not a product but a system that contains two distinct elements:

  1. a cloud based software tool (see last week’s post for more details)
  2. a systematic approach to organization for an effective business leader

This week we will focus on a systematic approach to organization that will help you become an effective and focused business leader!

The Sleep Revolution

Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time

This week’s book review is The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington

Huffington provides a very detailed study on the importance of sleep and the impact that lack of sleep has on every aspect of our lives – our health, ability to focus, productivity, safety, life expectancy, etc. Unfortunately, most of what was covered in the book was not revolutionary but is knowledge that is already commonly available. However, it is a good consolidation of these studies and findings.