The question asked by all new entrepreneurs wanting to strike out and launch a business is “where do I start?”

Starting a business can be a daunting and even overwhelming task. Fortunately, there have been millions of businesses that have gone before us and they have left a trail of “breadcrumbs!”
I know quite a few people who have started businesses and I have worked with a few start up companies over the last 10 years or so and I have learned that:
- No matter how similar two businesses may look, they are all different with very different and very real challenges.
- Every business owner has unique experiences and a unique worldview and this dramatically impacts their start up strategy.
- Every business owner has different levels of risk tolerance and this dramatically impacts their start up strategy.
But the one common element shared by everyone I know who has started a business is that they wish they would have “known that” when they started. “That” is different for each person and this is where a Business Start Up Checklist can provide some value.
Business Start Up Checklist
I have created a Business Start Up Checklist that you can download from my website. It is located under the Business Tools menu in the Vision\Mission section of the tools.
Although this checklist is quite long and touches on many different aspects of a business, it is by no means all inclusive or complete. A business start up checklist cannot be all inclusive because:
- Every business is different
- Every market and industry is different
- Every jurisdiction has different rules and laws
- Every owner has different expectations and goals
- Every owner is starting from a different point
Consequently, this checklist is best used as a starting point for a new business. Take the list and customize it for your start up. Do a little brainstorming by yourself or with some business associates. Take out the content does not apply to your business and add in items specific to your business that are missing.
If you are planning on starting a business at some point in the not-to-distant future, don’t start without a good plan and a good checklist! Download this list and customize it for your type of business and market.
Leave a comment below on your business start up experience.
Download a free copy of my new Ebook: 12 Steps to Business Transformation. If you are interested in a business assessment to help kick off your business transformation, contact me at or at 587-227-5179.
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Hi. You are really a great writer. I didn’t see anyone who write a lengthy article like this. Well done bro. You helped me big time, especially in having my business start-up checklist. The online tool I’ve read from a businessmental, and your article is a great combination. Thank you.
Thanks Chris. I’m glad I could help. Let me know if you have any questions.