Are you at a place in some area of your life or business where you feel you are stalled? Maybe you are not quite sure what to do next? Should you change careers, change employers, hire some new staff, go after a new market segment, chase a new account, acquire a new business or divest a portion of your business?
Are the factors of the decision overwhelming or maybe some of the details have not come in so your vision has not yet taken shape and you feel you are simply “stuck in a rut”?
Perhaps the best thing to do to get “unstuck” is to just do something. As Michael Hyatt said;
“High achievers know the path becomes clear only when they are in motion.“
Did you know that it can really help to clarify your path if you just start to move? Just pick a direction that seems to be the best direction with the information that you have available and start to move.
It’s similar to when you are driving from the airport to a meeting in an unfamiliar city and you need your GPS to guide you. You stop your car (safety first!) and enter an address into your GPS system or smart phone. Initially, the GPS doesn’t know your orientation when you are stopped. It knows where you are but it doesn’t know what direction your car is pointing. It will not give you any helpful information until you start to move. Once you take the initiative and begin to drive, it starts to receive location and motion data and then provides you feedback regarding the required route to your destination.
Similarly, many of the details you may need to make your decision will not become clear until you start to move. Once you begin to move, information starts to flow in and you can take the information and adjust your direction as your vision begins to materialize.
So, if you are stuck in a rut, take some action today towards an objective and then be prepared to adjust your plans “on the fly” based on the feedback you receive along the way.
“Some people want to know too much before they will take a step and begin but they can only know after taking a step.” Dr. Henry Cloud
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