How to Plug the Gaps and Stop Bleeding Money!

Most organizations are bleeding away profit through holes they don’t even know they have!

That’s right! If you are not periodically and systematically looking for inefficiencies, gaps, old processes, or broken systems, chances are, your business is bleeding profitability.

These holes that are bleeding profits from your organization are generally not a result of a deliberate or malicious act. They just form slowly as the marketplace shifts and as technology changes. These shifts and changes create holes that must be “fixed” in the same way a pothole in a road must be fixed!

$156,000 Timesheet

How to Focus Your Business and Make More Money

Most of us are totally unaware of how much our lack of focus impacts our lives and our businesses yet the impact is huge!

Among many things, lack of focus:

  • Damages relationships
  • Results in missing sales opportunities
  • Increases our cost of doing business
  • Derails us from our vision
  • Impacts our ability to achieve goals
  • Results in increased work hours and workload

Essentially, lack of focus is, at best, a drag on our business and, at worst, will bring our business to its knees!

I think all of us can recall a time in our lives and/or businesses when our lack of focus cost us something. If not, maybe some of these examples will jog your memories!

How To Save $30,000 a Month Using OneNote

Staying organized and focused in today’s fast paced world is a basic requirement for any business leader. However, differentiating yourself and your business requires a whole new level of organization!

A differentiated leader must have instant access to all of their past and current business notes, data, ideas, and plans. All of this information must be organized and indexed electronically in a manner that allows easy access from anywhere, at anytime, using any platform. This is not a simple product but a system that contains two distinct elements:

  1. A cloud based software tool (the subject of this blog post)
  2. A systematic approach to organization for an effective business leader (the subject of next week’s post!)

Gone are the days of taking notes in a paper notebook!