Tripping Over the Truth

How the Metabolic Theory of Cancer Is Overturning One of Medicine's Most Entrenched Paradigms

The book review for this week is Tripping Over the Truth by Travis Christofferson

Christofferson takes the reader through the history of the diagnosis and treatment of cancer over the last few hundred years. Along this journey, science and doctors have made some dramatic discoveries and some dramatic errors in the detection, prevention and treatment of cancer. Essentially, the author is laying the scientific groundwork to support the metabolic theory of cancer.

The metabolic theory of cancer is, in simple terms, that cancer is caused when a cell is damaged so that the cell no longer generates its energy through an oxidative process but rather through a process that involves the fermentation of sugar. This means that limiting the amount of sugar that a cancer cell has access to would logically dramatically impact the ability that the cancer cell has to function and proliferate.

My takeaway from this book is that people need to live healthy lifestyles which include exercise and a healthy, carbohydrate limited diet. People with cancer need to do their own research and look at supplementing (NOT replacing) the doctor recommended treatments with doctor supervised therapies like; calorie restricted ketogenic diets (R-KD) and hypobaric oxygen treatments.