How Elite Executives Beat Burnout

Some studies have shown that 1 in every 3 working adults is suffering from varying degrees of burnout!

Burnout has been linked to coronary artery disease, hypertension, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, and increased drug and alcohol use. Besides the huge personal toll, this obviously flows over into productivity and work performance. This costs your business money! Estimates peg the cost of this lost productivity due to burnout in the $10’s of billions per year in North America alone!

According to psychologist Christina Maslach in her 2016 HBR article, burnout arises from:

50 Powerful Leadership Lessons from Authentic Leaders

I recently attended the 2017 Global Leadership Summit put on by Bill Hybels and his Willow Creek organization. It was an amazing leadership training event that was attended by over 400,000 people through a global simulcast!

The speakers were amazing and the entertainment between speakers was world class.

What follows are the top one-line lessons from the two day event.

50 Leadership Lessons From the 2017 GLS

Bill Hybels

How to Decrease Costs, Drive Growth, and Increase Profits

As most years do, 2016 seemed to come and go rather quickly! It is probably safe to say that 2016 was filled with a lot more challenges than usual for many people . . . especially those who rely on the oil and gas market for their livelihood. Many people lost their jobs and many businesses were shuttered.

However, many business also thrived and grew in 2016. It’s not that these businesses were immune from the downturn but rather were nimble, efficient, and able to adjust and change their focus to find new markets for their products and services.

13 Qualities of Successful Business Leaders

A few years ago I attended a keynote speech from Pat Williams, Senior VP of Orlando Magic. His topic was the “Thirteen Qualities of Winners”.

Williams has had an amazing amount of leadership experience in the sports world at different levels within multiple franchise organizations. Perhaps his biggest venture was establishing the Orlando Magic NBA team, which is where he was at the time of the speech.

After I reviewed his list, it became very clear that the 13 qualities he identified equally apply to business leaders. If a business leader does not have these 13 qualities, they and their business’ potential, will be limited.

I took the liberty of replacing the word “Winners” with “Successful Business Leaders” in the list of 13 qualities below. This list describes the attributes of a successful business leader!

15 Minutes A Day Leads To Business Alignment

Your organization’s leaders need to get together each day for a brief meeting to update one another on what they are doing and seeing in the business. These leadership huddle meetings only take 15 to 20 minutes each day but the benefits can be huge.

The huddles result in:

  • Leadership alignment
  • Early identification of scope overlap between leaders
  • Early identification of areas of concern or areas that no one has covered
  • Open communication between business leaders
  • Team building and relationship building