6 D’s to Exponential Growth

Peter Diamandis knows about exponential growth and business success. He is a pioneer in the fields of innovation, commercial spaceflights, and incentive competitions. He is also the founder of the XPRIZE Foundation and Abundance 360!

So, when Diamandis speaks about business, innovation, or exponential growth, everyone should take note!

Recently, Diamandis published a brief newsletter outlining the “6-D’s” to exponential growth. These 6-Ds are the six main phases that an idea, product, or technology pass through on their way to making a massive culture impact.

For example, the following 6D technologies have had a huge impact on society:

How to Use the “Rule of 3 and 10” for Business Growth

Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, an electronic commerce and internet company based in Tokyo, established what he dubbed the rule of 3 and 10 to guide his company through periods of extreme growth.

Although this rule was created for companies that are growing very quickly, it applies to all companies as they progress through these major growth milestones.

The Rule“Everything breaks at multiples of 3 and powers of 10”

How to Prepare Yourself for Exponential Growth

In 1998 Google burst onto the Internet scene and went from $0 market cap to $1 billion in 8 years. This was unheard of growth! A typical Fortune 500 company takes 20 years to achieve that same $1 billion mark.

However, since 1998, the time to grow from $0 to $1 billion market cap has steadily decreased. Facebook did it in five years, Tesla in four years, Uber in two years and Snapchat and Oculus Rift did it in just under two years!

Exponential Growth

According to the book Exponential Organization (by Salim Ismail, Michael Malone and Yuri van Geest) an “ExO” or Exponential Organization is an organization that display an exponential level of growth.

As you can imagine, any organization that undergoes exponential growth also undergoes exponential change. This change can easily destroy the organization completely or severely impact its growth unless it is handled correctly.

How to Decrease Costs, Drive Growth, and Increase Profits

As most years do, 2016 seemed to come and go rather quickly! It is probably safe to say that 2016 was filled with a lot more challenges than usual for many people . . . especially those who rely on the oil and gas market for their livelihood. Many people lost their jobs and many businesses were shuttered.

However, many business also thrived and grew in 2016. It’s not that these businesses were immune from the downturn but rather were nimble, efficient, and able to adjust and change their focus to find new markets for their products and services.