70% of Today’s Occupations Will Be Obsolete in 80 Years

Did you know that 70% of occupations in today’s marketplace will be automated or obsolete by the end of this century!

This is a stunning prediction that is hard to believe but it is happening before our eyes.

For those of you who find this hard to comprehend, this sort of job displacement has happened numerous times in the past . . . even in the last century. For example:

  • In the last 60 years, agriculture’s share of workers has seen an 80% drop!
  • Also, in the same period, manufacturing has lost 60% of its market share of workers

As technology, society, and our economies advance, the workplace has seen, is seeing, and will continue to see massive changes and upheavals.

Occupations That Will Be Obsolete or Highly Automated

Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way

The 7 Traits of Great Sellers

This week’s book review is Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way by Ron Karr

Karr explains his time-proven and successful sales philosophy in this book. Essentially, salesmen need to be leaders and sales leaders have five beliefs:

  1. You have everything you need
  2. You can improve any area of your life that you choose
  3. Everything is possible
  4. Preparation maximizes your potential
  5. Customers come first

These beliefs enable the seven essential traits of a sales leader:

8 Ways to Prepare Your Business for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, AI, is already revolutionizing our world and what we have seen so far is not even the tip of the iceberg! We cannot imagine today the profound changes AI will bring to our planet in the coming years!

So, what is your business doing about it? How are you leveraging AI inside your business? What are you doing to prepare your business for the changes that AI will usher into your marketplace?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

How to Use the “Rule of 3 and 10” for Business Growth

Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, an electronic commerce and internet company based in Tokyo, established what he dubbed the rule of 3 and 10 to guide his company through periods of extreme growth.

Although this rule was created for companies that are growing very quickly, it applies to all companies as they progress through these major growth milestones.

The Rule“Everything breaks at multiples of 3 and powers of 10”

The Cost of No Change

We have all experienced a situation where a potential client refused to purchase our product or service because they were happy with the status quo and afraid of change. Basically, their fear of change outweighed any concerns and frustrations that they were experiencing with their current way of doing business.

Until we are able to convince the client that what we offer can add more value than pain, we will typically have a hard time selling anything.

I ran into a great example of this about five years ago when I bought a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPad.

I had been using my iPad for doing a lot of writing while traveling on business. The iPad was light, very convenient to pack and perfect for doing some simple document editing or article writing. When I bought the iPad, one of the sales people was trying to upsell and get me to buy a wireless keyboard. At that point I saw this as simply an upsell attempt. I had not experienced any of the pain of trying to scroll and type on a small screen.