How to Protect Yourself from Being Hacked

Have you or your business already been hacked? How do you know for sure? Did you know that, on average, a hacker is typically inside your computer systems for 210 days before you detect them?

The real scary thing is that they are collecting all the data they need to damage your business during this time. Once they have what they need, they use it to access bank accounts, sensitive information, personal data, or anything else they find of interest.

A business mentor of mine was recently “hacked” and it cost him $400,000!

Mediocrity is a Dangerous Virus. What is the Cure?

Have you ever settled for mediocre in some area of your life or business? Did you notice how easy it was for this mediocrity to spread from that area to something else and then from there to another area and so on?

Mediocrity is like a dangerous virus . . . it is highly contagious. The smallest seed of mediocrity will grow and, once you are infected in one area of your life, mediocrity will spread everywhere. Mediocrity can define and even destroy you!!!

Mediocrity comes naturally to us. This is because mediocrity is the easy path. Mediocrity is swimming downstream with the majority instead of swimming upstream against the current. It is the path that is the least painful. It is the path of least resistance.