What are You and Your Business Becoming

“Becoming” is a state of continuous learning and redefinition. The moment you stop Becoming, you start an inevitable slide towards irrelevance.

Kevin Kelly defined the term “Becoming” as one of the most prevalent trends in the next 30 years that will make or break businesses as well as individuals. He defines “Becoming” as; “technology is taking us to protopia. More accurately, we have already arrived in protopia. Protopia is a state of becoming, rather than a destination. It is a process. In the protopian mode, things are better today than they were yesterday, although only a little better.”

The Inevitable

Understanding The 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

This week’s book review is The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly.

Kelly is one of the founders of Wired Magazine and is a well-respected futurist. The Inevitable describes 12 trends that Kelly predicts will have a major impact in our society over the next 20+ years. These are listed below: