What Does Collagen Have to Do with Your Business?

I know many of you are probably asking what a business blog is doing talking about collagen. So, let me tell you!


As business leaders, we tend to focus so intently on our business, especially when we are facing the challenges brought about by COVID, that we forget about one of the most important things . . . our health!

And that is where collagen comes in.

Most of us are familiar with protein. Collagen, one form of protein, makes up about one-third of your body’s total protein. It is important for our muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, and other connective tissue.

Benefits of Collagen

8 Easy Ways to Uncover Your Customers Wants and Needs

Wants and needs can be completely different! What I want for a car (fast, high horsepower, flashy) is far from what I need (gas efficient, low maintenance, dependable). Similarly, what your customer wants and what they really need can be worlds apart.

The success of your business depends on you understanding this difference and working with the customer to ensure what you provide meets or exceeds their expectations!

I wrote in a previous post about when I was brought in by a client to redo engineering work that another contractor had outsourced overseas. The contractor was looking to reduce project costs by sending the bulk of their engineering to a lower cost country. Unfortunately, they did not control this work close enough.

Are Your Customers In Pain?

Are you actively looking to partner with your customers and add value to them by helping them identify and solve their biggest pain points or are you just trying to sell them another product?

When we become so focused on meeting sales quotas and goals we lose sight of the real reason our businesses exist . . . they  exist because we provide something of value to our customers. One of the most important tasks for any business is not to sell their product or service but to work with their potential customers to understand where the customer needs help and how your business can fill that need and provide real value.

I have seen many businesses over the years slip into the trap of myopically focusing on selling products or services. They spend more time coming up with the “perfect” charge rate sheet or the “perfect” product discount sheet then they do working with their clients to understand the challenges that are being faced and how they can assist the client in overcoming these challenges.

Guess what happens to these business . . .