What Has Made Our Nations (and Businesses) Great

Everyone knows about Trump’s election promise to “Make America Great Again” but does anyone understand what this means?

I suspect that there are as many opinions on this as there are people! What does “Great Again” mean? How far back do we need to go to determine what was great and what wasn’t? Who determines what was great and what is their decision based on?

Founding Values

Both Canada and the United States were established on Judeo-Christian values hundreds of years ago although we both took different routes to get there. The US was established through their revolutionary war against the British while Canada chose a somewhat longer but more peaceful path to independence.

So, what does this have to do with making our countries great and what does it have to do with business?

Foundation of our Nations

Judeo-Christian values established the foundation on which we have built our nations at every level; our governments, our judicial systems, our correctional systems, our economies, and our system of business.

Our success as democratic and free-enterprise nations could never have been built on the values of totalitarian systems like; communism, fascism, socialism, dictatorship, or an extremist religion based regime. These regimes simply cannot and do not provide the fundamentals necessary to create an environment that fosters a strong economy and nation.

One does not have to look to far to see failed totalitarian states like the old Soviet Union, North Korea, Iraq, Eritrea, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and the current destruction being wrought by regimes like ISIS!

So, what are the Judeo-Christian values that established the foundation for our great countries?

How to Build a Culture That Drives Financial Success

Employees, Shareholders & Customers

Companies that have a culture that focuses equally on employees, shareholders, and customers outperform their competitors by 756%!

These results were published in John Kotter’s book, Corporate Culture and Performancewhere he reported on the results of his research on over 200 companies for more than 10 years.

Companies that focused equally on employees, shareholders, and customers outperformed those companies that positioned one of these over another. The performing companies didn’t just marginally outperform these unbalanced companies . . . they reported income growth of 756% compared to 1% growth over the same period (page 11 of Corporate Culture and Performance)!

Corporate Culture in Action

I know this seems like an outlandish claim but I have seen this strategy work!

The Ultramind Solution

Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First

This week’s book review is The Ultramind Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman.

Hyman explains how the food we eat impacts our physical and mental health. He explains how conditions like ADHD, Alzheimer’s, bipolar disorders, OCD, Parkinson’s, etc., can be caused by, or significantly impacted by our diet. Everything he discusses in this book is clearly supported by published, scientific research studies.


Handbook For New Employees

This week’s book review is the VALVE Handbook written by VALVE employees.

This is not a traditional book that you can buy from Amazon. This is a manual from VALVE, a software development company, that can be downloaded for free off the web.

It is an amazing employee “crowd” written handbook that explains many aspects of the VALVE business including:

The Secret to Being Excellent

Excellence in your business is critical to business success and longevity. Without excellence your business becomes just another business in a sea of businesses. Without excellence your business will fade into mediocrity and commoditization . . . which is the race to extinction!

Conversely, excellence will differentiate you and your business. Excellence will open up opportunities and doors that are not available for the “generic masses.” The higher your level of excellence, the more business opportunities you will have!

How to Become Excellent