
Are You Indispensable?

The book review for this week is Linchpin by Seth Godin.

Godin is simply an outstanding author and this book proves it once again! Linchpin describes how each of us needs to approach how we deliver our unique genius to the marketplace. Linchpins are the mapmakers of society. They are the people who drive our world forward through the application of their skillsets and talents. Each of us needs to strive towards this mindset and build our organizations to create and develop Linchpins.

My takeaway from this book is that everyone can be a linchpin. Godin suggests that we need to do the following seven things in our quest to become an indispensable linchpin:

How to Navigate Marketplace Complexities

This past year was a year full of transitions, amazing challenges, and stunning opportunities!

It was a year that saw many extremes including:

  • Outrageous political antics
  • Frightening political standoffs
  • Stunning Bitcoin valuations
  • Record breaking stock indices
  • Oil price climbing back to the $55-$60/bbl
  • Continued company downsizing
  • Record company profits
  • First recycled (reused) rocket
  • Great advances in hyperloop technology
  • #metoo movement

Some businesses experienced amazing growth (NVIDIA, Google, Apple, Amazon) while some saw their business shrink (Sears, Macys, GE). Others saw their market shift in an entirely new direction. Some took advantage of this shift and others were damaged by it!

This unprecedented rate of change and marketplace complexity can cause business leaders no end of sleepless nights and stressful days! However, this is where Thinking Business can help you thrive!