What Makes Business Success Worthless And How To Avoid It

There’s nothing more important than our good health – that’s our principal capital asset.Arlen Specter


Without good health, we have nothing! It’s that simple. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, when your health is compromised your quality of life will drop significantly. If you sacrifice your health for business success then business success is truly worthless.

This is where business leaders often run into trouble. It is so easy to disregard living a healthy lifestyle because we are putting the needs of the business first. We only have so many hours in a day and exercise, proper diet and rest take away from our “productive time”. However, living an unhealthy lifestyle will always catch up with us and it usually does so when we least expect it and when it is least convenient!

Time Is More Valuable Than Diamonds: Stop Wasting It!

Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.”— Ralph Waldo Emerson


How many minutes do we waste each day doing frivolous or time wasting activities. Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram, video games, television, email, instant messaging . . . unfocused use of all these things can be a huge waste of time! Time is the only resource that we get to use that we cannot buy more of and is truly unrenewable. Once time has passed, it is gone forever!

As a business leader, I have found that it is way too easy to get distracted by frivolous issues as well as the many business related concerns that come up during the day. Whether it is an impromptu meeting, an extended meeting, a critical email or instant messages, “emergency” phone calls, document signings or last minute sales calls, there is always something that can take my eye off the ball.

10 Questions That Turn An Insurmountable Problem Into An Inconsequential Event

…there are no big jobs, only small machines….R.G. LeTourneau

R.G. LeTourneau was the inventor of most massive, mechanized things with blades, wheels or tracks. You will find his DNA embedded in everything from bulldozers, earthmovers and mining equipment to feller bunchers, offshore jack-up drilling platforms and intermodal cranes. Whenever he ran into a problem that was too big for his machines, he would simply build a bigger machine.

His view of the world was pretty basic. There are problems in this world that need to be overcome and with enough thought, brainpower and brute force, these problems can be conquered.

You Will Get Crushed Without Accurate Business Analytics

Choosing to operate your business without accurate business analytics is like running across a freeway with a blindfold on. If you are not tracking your business’ performance against previous years, you are choosing to operate your business with a blindfold on and this will eventually crush you.

Clearly understanding how your business performed in the past can be a lifesaver moving forward. This knowledge will highlight troubled areas in your business that need to be addressed and it will highlight potential areas of opportunity.

I learned this pretty early in my business career.