Mediocrity is a Dangerous Virus. What is the Cure?

Have you ever settled for mediocre in some area of your life or business? Did you notice how easy it was for this mediocrity to spread from that area to something else and then from there to another area and so on?

Mediocrity is like a dangerous virus . . . it is highly contagious. The smallest seed of mediocrity will grow and, once you are infected in one area of your life, mediocrity will spread everywhere. Mediocrity can define and even destroy you!!!

Mediocrity comes naturally to us. This is because mediocrity is the easy path. Mediocrity is swimming downstream with the majority instead of swimming upstream against the current. It is the path that is the least painful. It is the path of least resistance.

How to Know When It’s Your Turn To Step Up And Make A Difference

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about Seth Godin’s customer service entitled How to Wow Your Customers and Increase Your Sales. The book that Godin was shipping me was his latest project entitled “What To Do When It’s Your Turn (And It’s Always Your Turn). It is written in the typical Godin style; thought provoking, short, insightful and witty.

The basic premise of the book is that each of us needs to step up, take action and make a difference. We should not be worried about failure or what others think. We should concentrate on what we do best, our areas of strength, and put these strengths to work.

I found the book challenged me as I am often guilty of procrastinating and not stepping up to do something that I know I can do well. Because of this challenge, last week I posted How To Get Unstuck and Start Moving Towards Success. This post was more personal and how on a personal level we need to step out and start moving to get unstuck.

How To Get Unstuck And Start Moving Towards Success

Are you at a place in some area of your life or business where you feel you are stalled? Maybe you are not quite sure what to do next? Should you change careers, change employers, hire some new staff, go after a new market segment, chase a new account, acquire a new business or divest a portion of your business?

Are the factors of the decision overwhelming or maybe some of the details have not come in so your vision has not yet taken shape and you feel you are simply “stuck in a rut”?

Perhaps the best thing to do to get “unstuck” is to just do something. As Michael Hyatt said;

Discover The Secrets To An Engaged Workforce – Part III

In my last few posts I have written about the concept of Motivation 3.0 and explained how it is the secret to an engaged workforce. I have defined two of the three components of Motivation 3.0; Autonomy and Mastery. Today, I will define the final component, Purpose.


Purpose can be defined as a cause that is greater than a single individual. It is the “reason for being” . . . the French call it “Raison d’être” or reason for existence. This is much greater than a simple goal or objective. This is something that a person will stake their entire existence on. The people that understand their purpose and are aligned in the pursuit of that purpose are focused and are not easily discouraged or knocked off track.