Code of Ethics

I recently read “Die Empty” by Todd Henry. This is an amazing book that challenges the reader to understand their purpose and to live out their life fully so that they will not have any “unwritten novels, never launched businesses, unreconciled relationships and all the other things that people thought ‘I’ll get around to that tomorrow'” left in them when they die. One of the better concepts that I pulled out of the book is something Henry calls a “Code of Ethics.” This is not a list of rules like the 10 commandments that everyone absolutely needs to follow everyday. A Code of Ethics is a set of principles that apply to you personally and define how you approach everything in life. This code will be different for everyone as we are all unique individuals with unique gifts, talents and interests. Although I had thought about this some in the past, this book motivated me to write out my Code of Ethics. They are;

Focused and Clear Communications

Thousands of years ago, a Hebrew story was recorded about an ancient building project called the Tower of Babel ( As the story goes, people on earth at that time came together to build a tower that would “reach to the heavens”. These people all spoke the same language, communication with each other was easy and the project progressed quickly and successfully. However, as the story goes, God saw that the hearts of the people were filled with pride and he was not pleased so he confused their languages so that no one could communicate with another. The project quickly fell apart and the people scattered around the earth.

So, what does this have to do with business and projects in 2014?

Well, there are quite a few parallels and lessons that can be learned! However, the   lesson we will focus on here is the need for leaders to be excellent communicators. In today’s world of mega projects, global business and internet connectivity we have a world that offers unprecedented communication and connectivity opportunities. Yet, this also has resulted in unprecedented complexity as we are now dealing with an exponentially increasing speed and volume of communication through an overwhelming number of communication media.